Worms (helminthiasis)

Worms are worms that lead a parasitic lifestyle in the body of their host - a person. Age does not matter. Adults and children are equally susceptible to infection. The classification of helminthiases is very broad, especially in countries with hot climates.

parasites in the human body

There are 3 classes of parasitic worms:

  • round (nematodes) - worm worms, round worms;
  • tapeworm (cestodes) - pig tapeworm, bovine tapeworm, echinococcus;
  • flatworms, lightning (trematodes).

The most common worms in children are peg worms, which cause enterobiasis. These helminths are small in size, up to 1 cm on average, white-gray in color with a curved body. The site of localization of these parasites is the large intestine, but they can also penetrate into the lower parts of the small intestine. Stinging worms reproduce on the skin near the anus. At night, female worms emerge to lay eggs in the folds of skin, often penetrating the labia of girls, which end in infectious diseases of the genitals. In total, these helminths live for about 1-1, 5 months. The process of self-infection in a child can lead to the fact that the bad condition will continue for many years. The parasites can be detected with the naked eye in the feces.

Roundworms are another type of worm most common in children. Of a characteristic species, reaching a length of 15 cm, these nematodes are placed in the lumen of the loops of the small intestine, moving towards the moving food lump. Round worms rarely enter the feces. Females periodically lay eggs, which can be found in fecal analysis. But if during the study they were not found, it does not mean that the child is not infected. The life cycle of a roundworm can last for several years.


The curiosity of the baby is realized by his fingers, the child, learning about the world, actively touches everything that comes under his arm and immediately pulls it into his mouth, striving for strength and taste. Thus, the worm eggs are safely inserted into the digestive tract of their future host.

A child becomes infected with worm eggs from the surface of unwashed fruit when they drink contaminated water. Very often, the infection occurs when communicating with animals, or when playing on the ground, sand pit, where cats and dogs want to solve their physiological problems. After a walk, children often do not wash their hands, and all the dirt, along with parasitic eggs, gets into their mouths.


If a child is infected with a large number of parasitic worm eggs, then a sharp deterioration can occur within a few days. In milder cases, the first symptoms of the infection appear after a few weeks or even months. Much depends on the immunity of the child. It can deal with parasites and inhibit their development. But gradually the protection diminishes, and the helminths infect the body, causing serious problems.

The first signs are symptoms of poisoning (intoxication). The vital activity of worms is associated with the release of a large number of animal toxins that can poison the child's body. In the intestines, parasitic worms use nutrients, as a result of which the child gradually becomes deficient in proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.

The child has:

  • weakening,
  • skin pallor,
  • weakness, frequent dizziness,
  • increase in body temperature, headache,
  • bad dream,
  • lot,
  • desperate mood.

Intestinal diseases appear - constipation, loose stools, rumble and pain in the abdomen, periods of nausea and vomiting, painful sensations in various parts of the abdomen and bloating. The disease may be accompanied by allergic conditions: itching, redness, cough, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Weakening of immunity leads to an increase in infectious diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosing helminthiasis in the feces is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that roundworm eggs or worm worms do not appear in the feces every day, and the smear microscopy technique from the analysis requires great care. To increase the reliability of fecal analysis for worm eggs, it is advisable to take at least 3 consecutive days.

In cases of an increased risk of worm infection (contact with animals, the child playing on the ground or in open pits, the child's habit of taking things in his mouth, biting nails or licking fingers, etc. ), It is advisable to undergo an in-depth examination, including, in addition to triple fecal analysis, special tests that detect blood antibodies to helminths.

In the presence of allergic manifestations of unknown origin, an increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood test, persistent intestinal dysbiosis, it is advisable to donate blood for the determination of class E immunoglobulins (Ig E and G) in wormsround and other helminths. You can check for worms in pets.

Assessing the totality of indirect signs and anamnesis, the doctor may recommend antihelminthic therapy without direct evidence of the presence of worms in the child, if other pathologies that cause similar clinical manifestations are ruled out. To all family members to avoid the formation of a focus of infection with each other with helminth eggs. In this situation, in addition, it is necessary to strengthen hygiene measures, in particular, boil and iron the bed and personal freedom on both sides.